Reserved shares are calculated for (1) members who have only contributed survey data without any additional files OR (2) for members who are not residents of the United States. These types of members are currently unable to take ownership of their shares. More details:

(1) Establishing Provenance: LunaDNA has established a process to protect our members from unfair and fraudulent submission of survey data, which is more susceptible than other forms of data. As part of this process, which is documented in our SEC Form 1-A filing, we require additional information to establish provenance - that is proof that you are a real person with real data. We will accept three forms of information to establish provenance: (a) a DNA file, (b) your social security number, or (c) additional data contributed via an approved LunaPBC parter (see for more information on our current partners).

Once you have established provenance, you will be able to take ownership of the shares reserved for you for completing surveys, subject to availability of shares at that time.

(2) Regulatory Approval per Country: Regulatory requirements for ownership of securities vary from country to country. LunaDNA has currently only established regulatory approval to allow United States residents to claim ownership of shares. As we establish regulatory approval in each country, the shares calculated for you will become available for you to take ownership, subject to availability of shares at that time.. We will notify you as new countries are added to the list of whose residents can take ownership of LunaDNA shares. All other rights and functionality, including control of your data, is identical for US and non-US residents within our platform.

We firmly believe it is your right to be compensated for the data you are contributing!